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What: Blackberry PlayBook

Made By: Research In Motion (RIM)

What It Does: It’s a tablet PC, built to rival the iPad, that does everything from play music and movies, to read documents and books.

Platform: Sprint

Cost: 16GB: $499, 32GB: $599, 64GB: $699

The iPad killer, supposedly, is finally here. The PlayBook is a tablet PC that is a fraction of the size of the iPad 2 and does just about everything the iPad does, except has a better camera and screen resolution. Best feature: Flash, allowing you to surf the web for videos and movies.

Video of the Playbook after the break.


The Blackberry PlayBook in action.


What: The Egg-Bot

Who Makes It: Evil Mad Science

What it Does: Creates perfect designs and patterns on eggs using fine tip sharpie markers.

Cost: $195

With Easter right around the corner, many people will be looking to decorate eggs. Enter: the Egg-Bot, a cool device which allows you to color and draw perfect patterns and images on your eggs. Check out the Egg-Bot in action after the break.


The Egg-Bot in action.


What: Digital Vein Sensor

Who Makes It: Fujitsu

What it Does: Takes high speed pictures of your hand/arm and uses the best one for verification.

Cost: To Be Determined.

Most sensors are for direct contact with the user, scanning a fingerprint or retina. Not the Digital Vein Sensor. All you need to do is wave your hand over the sensor and it takes several pictures of the veins in your palm in order to recognize them, allowing the user to unlock whatever device is attached to the sensor.

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