The Daily Grind Video

We’re inundated by news stories every day and with a 24/7 news cycle, it’s nearly impossible to keep up. But thanks to GlobalGrind’s Think Tank, you’ll be quickly in the know, and then good to go.

From what’s going on in the Capitol to what’s happening oversees, we have it all.

Today we see that Barack and Michelle made millions last year as thier income was released yesterday. Meanwhile Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the birther bill.

Money On My Mind

Whose Wallet: Barack & Michelle Obama

Weight: $1,728,096

How They Hustled: President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama reported a 2010 adjusted gross income of $1,728,096, according to federal income and gift tax returns released today. Of that, $453,770 (26 percent) went to federal taxes, $245,075 (14 percent) went to a total of 36 different charities and $51,568 (3.25 percent) went to state income taxes, meaning the couple kept roughly 56 percent of their income, outside of what they paid in city taxes.


Shame On You

Who: Edward Howard, Jr., 48 

Where: Chicago

What: Edward Howard, Jr., a sergeant in the Chicago Police Department, posted bail on Friday for charges that he repeatedly struck a handcuffed teenage arrestee in the face. 


Where They Do That At?

Where: Compton California

What Happened:  A drive-thru funeral home in Compton with a glass-encased chamber for the coffin offers convenience to mourners. It also provides a speedy way for well-known community members to be viewed by everyone.



Better Than Fiction

Character: Ayden

Plot Line: Three-month-old Ayden was ripped from his cousin’s arms by a tornado and tossed several feet away. “I thought he was lost,” Robinson said, until he found the baby unconscious nearby, atop a pile of wood.


Numbers Game

Number: 2 hours, 3 minutes and 2 seconds.

Where: Boston

What Happened: Kenyan Geoffry Mutai has won the 2011 Boston Marathon with a world record breaking time of 2 hours, 3 minutes, and 2 seconds.


Inside the Capitol

Where: Arizona

Who: Gov. Jan Brewer

What Happened:  Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has vetoed a bill to require President Barack Obama and other presidential candidates to prove their U.S. citizenship before their names can appear on the state’s ballot. 



This Day In History

Year: 1995

What:  Just after 9 a.m., a massive truck bomb explodes outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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