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High end watch customizer Bamford Watch Department, known mostly for their work with the Rolex, has collaborated with Dr. Romanelli on a special edition Rolex Milgauss. 

Dr. Romanelli is known for his production of jackets using pieces of vintage jackets and jerseys, so it was only fitting that Bamford & Sons made the hour and minute hands look like scissors with Dr. Romanelli’s logo in the bottom right hand corner of the watch. 

Bamford Watch Dept, aka Bamford & Sons, has a long history of collaborations with brand customization of Rolexs and although it is not something that you can expect many fans of these brands to be able to afford, it is still a pretty cool concept. 

Usually limited to only a handful of watches, Bamford had collaborated with the likes of the Parisian boutique Colette, Japanese brands such as Fragment Designs and Neighborhood and now Dr. Romanelli.

Check out all of the past watches that have been customized by Bamford & Sons, as well as a jacket by Dr. Romanelli after the break.


Dr. Romanelli x Bamford Watch Department Rolex Milgauss.


Bamford Watch Department x Colette Rolex Milgauss.


Bamford Watch Department x Fragment Design Rolex Explorer (Available in 3 Colors).



Another watch made for Ftagmen Design by Bamford Watch Department.


Bamford Watch Department x NHIZ (a collaboration between NEIGHBORHOOD and IZZUE) Rolex Deepsea.


Bamford Watch Department x Mastermind Japan.


Jacket by Dr. Romanelli being worn by Mike Posner in the “Cooler Than Me ” video.

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