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The hero who dove to the rescue of Usher Raymond’s 5-year-old son has remained silent since the incident. Finally, just over a week later, he is speaking out – but is still astonishingly humble.

Eugene Stachurski was installing a new home studio in the basement of Usher’s home August 5, when Usher Raymond V, the youngest son of Usher and Tameka Raymond, got his arm caught in the pool’s drain, causing him to nearly drown.

“I thank God I was there to do something,” Stachurski said.

Eugene and his partner Ben Crews dove into the pool to save the boy; Stachurski then performed CPR while Usher Raymond V’s aunt called 911. Because of Eugene’s efforts, Usher V was breathing well before the ambulance arrived.

Usher V is expected to make a full recovery and is reportedly doing well. Tameka shared an adorable photo of her son relaxing and enjoying the Fresh Prince! According to TMZ, Stachurski is elated that Usher’s son is doing well and hopes to see him again soon.

Following the chaotic incident, Eugene returned to his job like nothing happened, finishing the install for the hip-hop heartthrob.

In the wake of the near-tragedy, Usher V’s mother Tameka filed for emergency custody of both her children, but a judge dismissed it. She plans to return to court to duke it out with her ex in the coming weeks.

SOURCE: TMZ || Photo credit: Instagram.

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