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This will make your day, and restore your hope in humanity. The Cincinnati Bengals had to cut 25-year-old Devon Still from their team last week, but they decided to re-sign him after they found out that his 4-year-old daughter has cancer. The player revealed to the press that he believed he wasn’t on top of his game, since his daughter was suffering from the disease. He will now have an income that can pay for his daughter’s medical bills. [Daily Mail]

There might just be a way to fight Ebola disease, but it could be risky. According to reports, the death toll for Ebola has increased to 2,000, but scientists think that the blood of Ebola survivors might be a way to treat those currently suffering from it, as they have anti-bodies that could help fight it. There’s also two other Ebola vaccines being tested, along with the idea of blood transfusions. [Gawker]

A Texas teacher recently received three years probation after admitting to having an inappropriate relationship with one of her 15-year-old students. Felicia A. Smith told authorities that she gave the student a lap dance for his birthday, in front of the rest of the class, before telling the boy that she loved him. Smith admitted to the felony and posted a $30,000 bond earlier this year. [Daily Mail]


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