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A deputy L.A. city attorney was arrested on Thursday for multiple charges of possessing and suspicion to distribute child pornography. Reports say that he was already being investigated for almost a year, after his computer was seized by authorities last November for “questionable images.” His computer showed evidence of child exploitation, and he was caught after sending the evidence out on April 3, 2013. [Gawker]

A man from Texas repeatedly tried to grope a female passenger on a plane while she fell asleep next to him. Federal authorities have charged Pratik Rakesh Doshi with abusive sexual contact after the incident, during which she fell asleep on her tray table. [Colorado News Day]

In order to try and halt the spread of Ebola, Sierra Leone is planning a 3-day lockdown for citizens, despite the fact that a medical charity thinks it won’t help. Reports say that it is being treated as a social campaign rather than a medical one, as volunteers will go door-to-door to talk to citizens who are forced to stay in their homes. [CNN]

There is an asteroid that will be passing by close to Earth today, but don’t worry, as “close” by NASA terms means at least 25,000 miles away from our planet. Reports say stargazers won’t be able to see the asteroid without a telescope, but it is alarming that the asteroid was discovered only a week in advanced if it could have been disastrous. [Washington Post]

A wildfire has erupted near Yosemite National Park over the weekend, and over 700 homes have been evacuated after it has taken over 300 acres of land. So far, no major damage has been reported, but one minor injury has been discovered, and 400 more homes are being told to evacuate as well. [Daily Mail]


Happy Birthday to Our Forever President: 33 Photos Of Barack Obama & His Cheesy Smile
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