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Except for changing a few lyrics during her Elusive Chanteuse World tour, Mariah Carey has not opened up about her separation to Nick Cannon at all. Nick, on the other hand, can’t seem to stop dishing all of the deets.

Most recently, the comedian and actor pretty much confirmed their impending divorce while talking to both People and USA Today at the Samsung DSLR Ditch Day on Tuesday. He talked about wanting to live life as happily as possible and being paid to be creative, before going on to discuss splitting the gadgets acquired during his marriage.

The conversation seemed slightly awkward once it went down that road. E! reports:

“Ultimately I would think that is what life is all about, to try to pursue happiness, and I try to wake up and take each day with a grain of salt, and say, ‘How can I be happy today? How can I affect someone else’s day, and hopefully make them happy?'” the America’s Got Talent told People on Tuesday at the Samsung DSLR Ditch Day in Los Angeles, sharing how he tries to spread his positive energy to others.

“That’s why we all entertain, to put a smile on others’ faces,” the 34-year-old father added. “I take that as a lifelong goal, but still, at the same time, take it one day at a time.”

The site goes on to say:

In the wake of his marital woes, Cannon has been focusing on his children as well as his career and continues to count his blessings. “I wake up every day feeling blessed to be able to be creative, and that someone is paying me to be creative is the most mind-boggling thing to me in the world…and I just know that all of this other stuff is truly just a blessing,” he said. “I’m constantly reminded [of that] because I don’t stay far away from the community in which I was raised.” 

He added: “That’s the thing, I keep the same people around me and it doesn’t change.”

And finally, what Nick had to say about divorcing Mariah:

Cannon also spoke with USA Today at the same event and the self-professed tech nut was asked how the pair plans to split up their many gadgets.

“There’s enough for everybody,” he said. “Anything that’s cool and new, I want them. I’m the techie of the family, and you’ve got to buy a couple of everything, so you don’t have to split anything.”

Like we said, kind of awkward.

There have also been rumors that he is messing around with Amber Rose, but according to Nick, he’s actually just managing her. While speaking with Us Weekly at the same event, he expressed his excitement:

We’re super excited about her brand,” Cannon told Us. “I feel like she’s one of those people who are truly an icon when it comes to fashion, style, and even just someone in pop culture. I want to help her develop a lot of things and the first thing we are starting with is a book. We just did a huge book deal that we are really excited about.”

He didn’t stop there:

Cannon had high praises for Rose, calling her “super intelligent” and “ready and willing as a business woman” to tackle the industry. “We kind of came up with a lot of the concepts together, but it’s going to be something where I think it’s going to shock a lot of people. I think it’s going to be really good for her brand and launch. My plan is to [begin with] the book then television, and so many other things. You’ll see, it will be out soon!”

Both Nick and Amber are going through a lot in their personal lives right now, so hopefully they can help each other through their marital woes.

SOURCE: People, E!, Us Weekly | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty, Instagram

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