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Yesterday, 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley brought outrage to the country when he shot down two NYPD officers as they sat in their patrol car in Brooklyn.

According to reports, Brinsley killed the two officers “execution style” before turning the gun on himself.

The slain policemen were identified yesterday as Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, and now more details of their lives as cops are surfacing. Apparently, the day of the shooting was also their first day working in the Bed-Stuy area of Brooklyn, and the two were eating lunch when they were fatally shot.

Liu had reportedly just gotten married, with his new wife going to the hospital before doctors officially announced his death. Ramos has a 13-year-old son, as well as another son in college, and just celebrated his 40th birthday.

Both families discovered the tragic news at the hospital.

As far as Brinsley, reports say that one of his friends – who was close to the crime scene – told authorities that he had been acting strange ever since the grand jury decision over Eric Garner’s death.

Though his story has not been confirmed, he expressed the following:

‘We all noticed he was acting different, it was kind of like he wasn’t there when you spoke to him.’

‘He posted motivational stuff on Instagram and went to the protests. I think this really came as a shock to a lot of us.

‘He shot his girlfriend this morning then went to shoot those cops.

‘It’s scary to think that’s what he was thinking.’

The shooter allegedly took to Instagram to post about his plan to murder policemen before actually doing it, according to the NY Post:

If you ask us Brinsley seemed to be a troubled young man more than an advocate for justice. This was a senseless act of violence.

Meanwhile, New York Police officials are not happy with Mayor de Blasio over his expression of support for the protestors who are speaking out over Eric Garner’s death.

Many are blaming the Mayor for the murder of the two cops, reportedly saying that he has “blood on his hands” after the two officers’ deaths, and “should be charged with murder.”

Since the news, some officials have even pitched contracts to request that Mayor de Blasio not attend their funerals if they are killed in the line of duty.

While he entered a news conference yesterday, hundreds of NYPD officers turned their backs towards him as he walked through the crowd.

De Blasio responded in a statement:

“It’s unfortunate that in a time of great tragedy, some would resort to the irresponsible, overheated rhetoric that angers and divides people.”

See the video of officers turning their back to De Blasio above.

SOURCE: Daily Mail, NY Post | PHOTO CREDIT: Splash 

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