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The Georgia woman who terminated her five-month-long pregnancy by taking an abortion pill she purchased online had the murder charges against her dropped, The Washington Post reports.

Kenlissia Jones bought the drugs from a source in Canada, the site writes. The 23-year-old gave birth while on the way to the hospital, but the baby died 30 minutes later.

She was jailed and charged with murder and possession of a dangerous drug. But on Wednesday, Dougherty County District Attorney Greg Edwards said Georgia law “does not permit the prosecution of a woman for the termination of her own pregnancy,” the Post writes.

“This morning, I dismissed that malice murder warrant after thorough legal research by myself and my staff led to the conclusion that Georgia law presently does not permit prosecution of Ms. Jones for any alleged acts relating to the end of her pregnancy,” Edwards said. “Although third parties could be criminally prosecuted for their actions relating to an illegal abortion, as the law currently stands in Georgia, criminal prosecution of a pregnant woman for her own actions against her unborn child does not seem permitted.”

“The reason that we’re not prosecuting is because the law provides immunity to mothers in any act that may be committed against their unborn fetus,” Edwards said in a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Jones’ 2-year-old son is not in the custody of her brother and his wife. She was released on her own recognizance, but her legal troubles for the drug charge remain.


Murder Charges Against Georgia Woman Who Terminated Pregnancy With Abortion Pill Dropped  was originally published on

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