The Daily Grind Video

In a letter to Congress, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood on Monday said that the deceptively edited video released last week by anti-abortion activists is part of an ongoing harassment campaign by extremists designed to bring down the abortion rights group, according to New York Magazine.

The letter was penned in response to an announcement that Congressional Republicans will investigate Planned Parenthood’s tissue-donation program, and outlines several ways in which last week’s shocking video, released by the Center for Medical Progress, was edited to create the perception that the health-care provider profits from fetal tissue, which is banned under federal law.

The letter comes as a second video emerges from the Center for Medical Progress showing a discussion between a woman posing as a buyer of human tissue, and a woman the group identifies as Dr. Mary Gatter, a Planned Parenthood official, reports The Hill.

Gatter allegedly refers to using a “less crunchy” technique to keep more fetal parts in tact, and asks the prospective buyer to suggest a price for the tissue, the report says.

From New York Magazine:

For example: Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the Planned Parenthood representative filmed in the video, stated ten times in the uncut footage that her company would not sell fetal tissue, but the Center for Medical Progress conveniently edited out all ten of these from the final video, which went viral.

Planned Parenthood also warns in the letter that further videos may surface, stating that the Center’s head, David Daleiden, has been engaged in at least ten separate attacks on Planned Parenthood and infiltrated their centers in order to film and intimidate providers and patients at least 65 times. Daleiden, who’s only 26, thinks abortion is “genocide” and has been an anti-abortion activist for over a decade.

Planned Parenthood officials have agreed to appear at a congressional briefing by July 31, but say “the only people who have broken laws are the extremists who have been hounding women and Planned Parenthood doctors for years.”

SOURCE: New York Magazine | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty


Planned Parenthood Says Video Part Of Ongoing Harassment Campaign By Anti-Abortion Foes, Second Video Emerges  was originally published on

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