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Bernie Sanders and his campaign are suing the Democratic National Committee. The DNC accused Sanders of “illicitly accessing Clinton data.” Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver explained: “We are announcing today that if the DNC continues to hold our data hostage, and continues to try to attack the heart and soul of our campaign, we will be in federal court this afternoon seeking an immediate injunction. The leadership of the Democratic National Committee is now actively attempting to undermine our campaign. This is unacceptable. Individual leaders of the DNC can support Hillary Clinton in any way they want, but they are not going to sabotage our campaign — one of the strongest grassroots campaigns in modern history.” Read more about the lawsuit here. [Gawker]

A couple from upstate New York has been sentenced to a total of 880 years in prison after sexually exploiting six young girls, including two Amish girls they kidnapped from their family’s farm stand. Prosecutors claim the couple was planning on keeping the girls as sex slaves, but released them earlier than expected. [People]

Jared Fogle was recently sentenced to 15 years in prison for soliciting child prostitution and because of his charges, he will be receiving professional help while incarcerated. Fogle was transferred to a federal prison in Colorado, where he will be getting psychological treatment. [TMZ]

A total of three people were killed and seven hurt in a car bombing that happened outside of a mall in Somalia. Police believe the attack was aimed at the governor of Somalia’s Galgaduud region. The attack happened just a few meters away from his convoy. [CNN]


Here Are 21 Of President Barack Obama’s Best Photos Of 2015
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