The Daily Grind Video

After receiving backlash following the release of their “27 Questions Black People Have for Black People” video, BuzzFeed has issued an apology. The video, which is still featured on the website, features African-American millennials posing questions like, “Do we really think Black is beautiful?” and “Why do Black people look at your shoes before they greet you?” Many people expressed outrage, claiming the video was stereotypical and demeaned African-Americans. BuzzFeed took to Twitter on Monday to apologize for the project. “We’ve heard your concerns about last week’s video. We made a mistake, and want to get better at earning the trust of our black audience,” posted the media company. Despite the effort to express regret, many people didn’t think a tweet was enough. “@BuzzFeedVideo But did you take that trash down?,” posted one Twitter user. “Only the most painfully white organization could see “gaining the trust of our black audience” as a goal– HIRE BLACK PEOPLE @BuzzFeedVideo,” tweeted another. Read more.

Fidel Castro Says He’s Nearing the End

Cuban radical leader Fidel Castro gave a speech before the Communist Party on Tuesday, telling its members that his time is coming to an end and he needs help figuring out what will happen when he dies. “I’ll be 90 years old soon,” said Castro. “Soon I’ll be like all the others. The time will come for all of us, but the ideas of the Cuban Communists will remain as proof on this planet that if they are worked at with fervor and dignity, they can produce the material and cultural goods that human beings need, and we need to fight without a truce to obtain them.” The government shared that Raul Castro will be the Cuban Communist Party’s highest in command. “This may be one of the last times I speak in this room,” said Fidel. “We must tell our brothers in Latin America and the world that the Cuban people will be victorious.” Over fifty years ago, Castro implemented a single-party system and declared that Cuba was leading a socialist revolution. Despite Castro’s old age, he still holds a lot of power and influence. “The Cuban people are followers of Fidel and he’s a force that still has a lot of power,” said party member Francisco Rodríguez. Read more.

Whole Foods Files Countersuit Against Texas Pastor

After news spread that an openly gay pastor from Texas received a cake from Whole Foods with the words “Love Wins F–” written on it, the national grocery chain is firing back. Whole Foods is claiming the entire story was a hoax. “We believe his accusations are fraudulent and we intend to take legal action against both Brown and his attorney,” the company said in a statement. Whole Foods has filed a $100,000 countersuit against Pastor Brown. They released footage of Jordan Brown at the checkout line examining the cake without speaking up about the homophobic slur. In the statement, Whole Foods said that Brown’s allegations are “completely false and directly contradicts Whole Foods Market’s inclusive culture, which celebrates diversity.” Read more.


NEWS ROUNDUP: BuzzFeed Apologizes For “Black Questions” Video…AND MORE  was originally published on

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