The Daily Grind Video

Americans woke up to the surprising outcome of the “Brexit” vote, resulting in the United Kingdom’s decision to withdraw membership from the European Union.

The people of Britain voted in a referendum in which they decided between remaining in the EU or leaving. The country was deeply divided about the decision, but the secessionists won by less than a 3 percent margin.

Celebs from The UK’s own J.K. Rowling to Lindsay Lohan, took to social media to share how they felt about the historic decision:

Lindsay Lohan tweeted and deleted, ” good luck with the pound.. will take you about 15 years to get it back up #REMAIN instead. BE POSITIVE .. IGNORE THE 200,000 MARGIN #REMAIN.”

Some people are happy about the Brexit results. Elizabeth Hurley rejoiced, tweeting:

Of course, Piers Morgan chimed in:

Referencing the fact that one in four young voters were set to vote to remain in the E.U., James Corden tweeted:

Lily Allen wrote:

Boy George seems to be handling the news pretty well:

Ellie Goulding chimed in:


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