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Robbie Gatti, a Louisiana politician, who dressed up as Tiger Woods by donning blackface for a community event is defending the controversial costume. He’s being blasted by residents in Bossier City, Louisiana after a photograph of him in blackface at First Baptist Church surfaced this week. However, Gatti insists that his blackface was merely part of a “good night at church.”

The Daily Mail reports the “unwavering conservative” released a statement to say he meant no harm with the ensemble, claiming the photo’s resurgence is a smear attempt by his political opponents. He wrote on Facebook, “Fifteen years ago, my church held a fall festival, where all the volunteers were told to dress as a famous person. Tiger Woods was at the height of his popularity, as a world champion, and that was who I was dressed as. Shortly after this event, I was ordained into the church.”

Gatti continued, “As a medical professional, ordained minister and military officer, I live my life seeing only character and I stand by that. I’m sad that my opponents have taken a good night at church and turned it into negative, political mud, but I’m confident the voters of Bossier will not fall for their desperate attacks.”

Robbie Gatti, who is running for a seat in the Louisiana House of Representatives, describes himself as “100% anti-abortion” and “100% pro second amendment.” Something tells us he knew his blackface costume would cause a stir.

Numero Puts 16-Year-Old Model In Blackface (PHOTOS)
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