The Daily Grind Video
Video call on sofa

Source: svetikd / Getty

The day after Christmas is a super weird time for many, because you plan all month for this one day — then it’s over and your stuck with extra wrapping paper, toys everywhere and probably loads of guilt from the money you spent buying gifts.

Spending time with love ones you haven’t seen in a while and drinking loads of egg nog may have been the highlight of your yesterday, but now it’s back to business. Oh, and let’s not forget the cleanup process begins. One Twitter user wrote:

“Anyone else look at their living room and kitchen the day after Christmas and get really tempted to just light a match and walk away instead of dealing with the mess?”

But does it really make sense that folks are forced back into the grind so soon after a holiday? If X-mas day fell on a weekend, that would be lit.  But we weren’t so lucky this year. Tee on Twitter tweeted, “Consumerism is the reason I have to come into work at 7:30am the day after Christmas.” Big ol’ facts!

The only bright side about December 26th is the folks who celebrate Kwanzaa get to kick off their holiday season. But unfortunately, the world around us still goes on. Official government places like the post office aren’t shutting down like they do on Christmas. However, some Navidad celebrators claim to celebrate Kwanzaa just to get off work!

Whew, chile the dramatics. But clearly, people will do anything to avoid the dreaded “day after christmas” life.  If you’re life us, the day after Christmas will have you reflecting hard on the month of December, and figuring out ways to make it better next year. Hit the flip to check out these thoughts that most people have when Navidad is officially over.

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