The Daily Grind Video
Day Of Remembrance Peace Walk Held In Honor Of Trayvon Martin

Source: Joe Raedle / Getty

It’s been 8 years since young king, Trayvon Martin, was shot and killed by gun-toting, wannabe cop, George Zimmerman, and today would have been his 25th birthday. But with the killings of unarmed Black men by the hands of police happening everyday, the wound of Trayvon’s very public death still feels fresh.

Black men being assaulted by police is an age old America issue — but seeing the body of a 17-year old with Skittles and an Arizona lay lifelessly in the middle of the street (as the world watched) was enough to start a revolution. Thus the Black Lives Matter movement was born.

Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges related to the killing, but that hasn’t stopped the world from screaming Black Lives Matter, Sandra Bland’s life mattered, Freddie Gray’s life mattered, as well as Philando Castile’s, Eric Garner and many more. Hit the flip for powerful photos from the movement that sparked a re-examination of race and justice in America. R.I.P. young king.

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