The Daily Grind Video
American Nazi Party Holds Rally At Valley Forge

Source: William Thomas Cain / Getty

Just when you thought only Florida Man was out here wildin’, Florida Woman strikes back, harder.

On Monday, a Florida teacher was removed from her classroom and suspended after news broke that she was living a not-so-secret double life as a White Supremacist Podcast host. Dayanna Volitich, who happens to be a social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School in Florida, spoke under the alias Tiana Dalichov on her podcast “Unapologetic” and on social media to express her racist views.

Volitich’s lawyer confirmed that she was the one speaking as Dalichov on the podcast, but claimed her comments were “political satire and exaggeration” and the persona was a “hobby.” Volitcich herself added, “None of the statements released about my being a white nationalist or white supremacist have any truth to them, nor are my political beliefs injected into my teaching of social studies curriculum.”



The bigoted educator has been removed from the classroom while the school district investigates her behavior. Hit the flip to hear the conservative in her natural, racist habitat.

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