The Daily Grind Video
Bill Cosby Arraignment

Source: Gilbert Carrasquillo / Getty

It’s official — Bill Cosby has been found guilty on all counts of indecent sexual assault after nearly three years of accusations, trials and protests.

This is probably of the biggest trials of the century, next to O.J. Simpson‘s— but instead of racism playing the main role, misogyny and sexism were the key players in Bill’s infamous case.

Today was a great day of justice for the women who were assaulted by the Cos. Many of them wept outside of the courtroom after the shocking verdict was delivered.

But not everyone is on board with the “Bill Cosby Is Over” party, even after he was found guilty:

Meanwhile, everyone else’s attitude is something to the extent of “one down, plenty more to go.”


However, Cosby’s lawyer says this is not how this story is going to end.

Cosby could face up to 10 years in prison for each of the three counts against him. Sheeesh.




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