The Daily Grind Video
Joshua Raymond, 16, a sophomore in the Gardena High School's Future Farmers of America program, wran

Source: Myung J. Chun / Getty

Remember when your mom use to say that something would happen “when pigs fly!” — well they aren’t flying, but they are roaming the neighborhoods and following folks home. So, close enough.


Over the weekend, an Ohio Man called the police to say that he was being followed by a pig, but it was 5 in the morning, so of course police assumed he was “obviously drunk” until they arrived on the scene and found him sober. The man was on his way home from the Amtrak train station when he noticed the 50 lb pig name Zoey.

Police captured the piggy and returned it back to the dog kennel from which it came, until she reunited with her rightful owner a few hours later. But what’s up with Ohio and animals roaming the neighborhoods all willy nilly?


Remember back in 2015, officers were forced to capture a kangaroo, named Foster, that had escaped its pen.


If Zoey or Foster followed you home, WYD?

And let’s not mention the irony of a pig riding in the back of a police car. Too easy.


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