The Daily Grind Video

A Saudi woman is going viral after appearing in her very own rap video, reportedly celebrating the lift that banned women from driving in the Middle Eastern country.

According to, “In her Hijazi rap song, in reference to the western part of Saudi Arabia, Leesa celebrated the glory of the historic 10/10 date. The date refers the tenth day of the tenth month of the lunar-based Islamic calendar, Shawwal, and corresponds to June 24 when the ban was lifted. ‘Don’t forget that today is the tenth day and this means no need for taxis. I am not kidding, today I can serve (drive) myself,’ she sang.”

The announcement that Saudi women would soon be able to drive was announced in September of last year. From the NY Times: “The change, which will take effect in June 2018, was announced in a royal decree read live on state television and in a simultaneous media event in Washington. The decision highlights the damage that the ban on women driving has done to the kingdom’s international reputation and its hopes for a public relations benefit from the reform. Saudi leaders also hope the new policy will help the economy by increasing women’s participation in the workplace. Many working Saudi women spend much of their salaries on drivers or must be driven to work by male relatives.”

Watch the clip up top and let us know if you’re here for it or felt some culture vulture vibes.

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