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Oakland Raiders v Buffalo Bills

Source: Brett Carlsen / Getty

On Tuesday, a very disturbing post was made against Buffalo Bills running back LeSean McCoy. 

According to Sports Illustrated, his girlfriend’s friend posted a graphic image of his girlfriend Delicia’s bloodied face. The friend accused McCoy of beating Delicia as well as viciously beating his son. She also added that McCoy abused steroids and drugs. The post has since been taken down, but you can see it via The Shade Room below. Warning: Swipe right for the graphic pictures.


McCoy eventually responded, saying the claims made in the woman’s post were “totally baseless and offensive.” He also asserted that he had no direct contact with the people involved in months.


Folks are still waiting for more information to be released, but already Twitter is fired up. Swipe through to find out what people have to say about the allegations.

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