The Daily Grind Video

What’s going through a guy’s mind when he decides to reach out and grab some random woman’s butt? It happens all too often and this story is a much-needed reminder that not only are you a creep if you treat women like this, but touching a woman in that way is actually illegal.

The Georgia waitress in the clip above is a 21-year-old by the name of Emelia Holden. She was just minding her business when 31-year-old Ryan Cherwinski walked by and palmed her. Emelia sprung into action with the kind of strength that hits you when you’ve got adrenaline pumping through your veins.

According to Buzzfeed, said creep has been taken into custody and charged with sexual battery but was released a few days later on $2,500 bond.

“When I felt that happen, my first thought was that it was one of my friends … it was a really intimate touch,” she told People. “His hand went further than it should have so I was thinking, ‘There’s no way a stranger just did that.’” She continued, “The guy claimed that he was just trying to push me out of the way and, ‘Oh, I barely touched you.’ Once the police saw the video, they immediately arrested him. There was no doubt that he did it.”

Press play to see him nearly get his ass whooped.

Karreuche Tran & Victor Cruz Got That Sporty Bae Love
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