AT&T Rising Future Makers- Header Update_September 2022
New York's Gay Pride Parade Celebrates Passage Of Same-Sex Marriage Law

Source: Mario Tama / Getty

It’s homecoming season, which means everyone is preparing for the a brief week of freedom from academia and life in general.


For most Historically Black Colleges and Universities, it’s the weekend events that people look forward to the most. The weekend events, like tailgate and all the parties, have the most alcohol, the most alumni and more Frankie Beverly and Maze than you’ve ever heard at one time.


It’s a beautiful time to catch up with old friends, drink like you did as a freshmen, and leave the worries of adulthood behind — which is why it’s imperative to have a few rules in place to get the best out of the experience. And as you know, the Black college experience engages in a whole new level of partying compared to other institutions. Plus you never know what to expect when you attend an HBCU homecoming. As one Twitter user put, “HBCU Homecomings- where the mom’s might be badder than the daughters.”

Ya’ll know black don’t crack — and we never stop having a good time either. In honor of Homecoming season, hit the flip to check out our list HBCU Homecoming Do’s and Don’ts.

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