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49th NAACP Image Awards - Roaming Show

Source: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty

This week, the stars aligned for one Twitter user with big dreams about Michael B. Jordan.

It was also a week where White ally-ship for Black issues was once again up for question. Peep the winner for this week below, then hit the next page for a loss that went viral.


Bolu Babalola 

It should be well known by now that if you shoot your shot at Michael B. Jordan, the Creed II star might bless you with his presence in the near future.

Daring fan Sylvia Wilson had such success back in May when she DMed Michael while he was on set in Philadelphia. They arranged a meet-up and Wilson was able to get a pic with the sex symbol movie star.

Now, one Bolu Babalola (@BeeBabs on Twitter) found such luck when her friend Photoshopped a picture of her with Michael B. Jordan, then Babalola tweeted out the pic with a comment insinuating that she and Michael had a summertime fling.

Babalola’s fictitious post went viral with many other fans following her lead and Photoshopping pics of themselves with their favorite star.

Along with her new viral celebrity, Babalola’s luck skyrocketed even more when Michael happened to be in London for a Creed II screening and Q&A a few days after her post.

Babalola, a Nigerian Londoner, was able to attend the screening and she got a chance to ask Jordan a question. After posing her question, she revealed that she was the woman who went viral for Photoshopping a picture of him and herself. In a recording of the encounter, Bolu apologized for all the hoopla she caused, and Michael responded by saying, “why are you apologizing?”


Jordan then agreed to take a pic with Babalola after the Q&A and the rest was history!


After the photo was taken, Babalola hopped on Twitter and hilariously gushed about her encounter with her new boo.

Michael even showed love to Babalola again on Twitter…

Dreams really do come true…


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