The Daily Grind Video
new zealand

Source: Jack Taylor / Getty

Just when you thought times couldn’t get crazier, they do. A terrorist by the name of Brenton Tarrant killed 49 muslims and wounded nearly 40 during Friday prayers at two mosques in New Zealand. The 28-year old, Australian-born man live streamed the deadly shooting on Facebook, showing everything from him arming himself to firing shots in the mosques. New Zealand police have warned against sharing the disturbing footage, tweeting:

“Police are aware there is extremely distressing footage relating to the incident in Christchurch circulating online. We would strongly urge that the link not be shared. We are working to have any footage removed.”

The Twitter and Facebook account where the video was initially posted have been suspended. Tarrant has been arrested and charged with murder, while wo other armed suspects are being held in custody. Prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, described the devastating attack as “one of New Zealand’s darkest days”. Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, called the massacre a “rightwing extremist attack.”

The White supremacist shooter also claimed in his 74-page online screed that conservative commentator Candace Owens was the biggest influence in his manifesto. He wrote:

“Yes, the person that has influenced me above all was Candace Owens. Is there a particular person that radicalized you the most? Each time she spoke I was stunned by her insights and her own views helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness. Though I will have to disavow some of her beliefs, the extreme actions she calls for me are too much, even for my tastes.”

Candice responded to the disturbing claim, tweeting:

“To be clear: We played the ‘Candace is Hitler’ game. We played the ‘Candace is anti-rape victims’ game. If the media attempts this ‘Candace inspired a mosque shooting in New Zealand’ bit—they better all lawyer the f*ck up. I will go full Covington Catholic lawsuit. Try me.”

Regardless of who inspired the deadly attack, it’s a tragedy that it happened at all. Celebrities took to social media to express their condolences to victims of the fatal shooting.

“Michelle and I send our condolences to the people of New Zealand. We grieve with you and the Muslim community. All of us must stand against hatred in all its forms”.- Barack Obama

Our condolences and prayers are with the victims, the survivors, and the country of New Zealand. Hit the flip for celebrity reactions to the massacre.

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