The Daily Grind Video

Source: ROBYN BECK / Getty

This was a week of problematic crooners, well-utilized eggs, and scary, sexy, cool fashion.

This week’s winners below, then hit the next page to find out who took the L!


1. Egg boy

When far-right politicians spew Islamophobic ignorance out their mouth, one might try to be civil in addressing their ridiculousness.

But sometimes an egg to the head is the only appropriate response, especially when 50 PEOPLE have just died in a grotesque massacre.

The Australian right-wing senator Fraser Anning got the works when 17-year-old Will Connolly, a.k.a. Egg Boy, smashed a hard egg on his head at a Conservative National Party meeting in Melbourne.

According to The Cut, Anning is known for his Islamophobic views and his sentiments came out in the most appalling way after the shooting at the Christchurch mosques last Friday that left 50 people dead and 50 injured.

The attacks were carried out by an Australian-born White nationalist but instead of blaming this guy, Anning went on to blame Muslims.

Yes, M U S L I M S!

In a statement, he wrote:

“The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place.”

Again, it wasn’t the white supremacist killer’s fault, it was the Muslims, who pray at mosques like the ones that got attacked last week.

Anning is lucky all he got was an egg to the head.

He was in the middle of talking to the press at the CNP meeting on Saturday when Egg Boy executed one big wallop into Anning’s cranium.

Let’s observe below, and feel free to rewind over and over again.




Young Connolly is a winner.

Luckily, he made it out the situation safely, and he was arrested but released without charge, according to The Cut.  

On his Twitter page (which has since been deleted for unknown reasons), Connolly wrote:

“Let me inform you all guys, Muslims are not terrorists and terrorism has no religion. All those who consider Muslims a terrorist community have empty heads like Anning.”


2. Lupita Nyong’o


Lupita, Lupita, Lupita.

Why must you destroy us so mercilessly.

This week, Nyong’o went on press runs for the highly anticipated movie Us, which she stars in with fellow Yale alumni Winston Duke. 

And while Us is surely going to be the most talked about movie of the year, Lupita almost stole the spotlight with red carpet and video appearances to live by.

First, she went on the Ellen show and couldn’t decide between polka dots and stripes, so she was like eff it, I’m going to wear them both, and all was well in the world.


Then, she ushered in care-free Black girl spirits and showed up to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert with yellow eyes…


Finally, for a red carpet screening, some un-worldly being came to her, no doubt from the future, and whispering one word in her ear…


And it was so.


Oh, did I mention she raps too…


Care-free Queen.

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