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Source: DON EMMERT / Getty

Things were all about timing this week. Some people had landmark events just in time for a changing world, while others had completely OFF timing and received the necessary backlash. Check out Winners for the week below, then hit the flip for the Loser!


1. Marijuana Pepsi 


Marijuana Pepsi is out here THRIVING.

The Black scholar was gifted the um….”unique” name at birth, and despite the taboos around names sounding “too Black” or “too ghetto” for the professional world, Marijuana stuck by her name with love.

“I’m going to be called Dr. Marijuana Pepsi!” she declared.

According to the Milwaukee Journal SentinelMarijuana’s proclamation came true when she earned her Ph.D. in higher education leadership from Cardinal Stritch University in the Milwaukee area.

You might be wondering what’s the last name of Marijuana Pepsi…

It used to be Jackson, then later Sawyer, and now it’s Vandyck. The 46-year-old married her husband, Fredrick Vandyck, in 2017 and they live on a 3-acre hobby farm with chickens and pigs in Pecatonica, Illinois.

Marijuana’s road to success hasn’t been a crystal road, however, especially with her name.

“People make such a big deal out of it, I couldn’t get away from it,” she said.

Marijuana’s mom, Maggie (Brandy) Johnson, picked out her name and foreshadowed that it would take her around the world. Meanwhile, Marijuana’s older and younger sisters got basic names like Robin and Kimberly.

Marijuanna said her whole life she always got heat for her name, not just from classmates, but from teachers and bosses. Some folks even refused to call her by her name and they urged her to go to court to change it.

Marijuana Pepsi was like naw.

She embraces her name as proof that you can prevail over every obstacle in life…no matter what you’re called. Marijuana even made her dissertation topic “Black names in white classrooms: Teacher behaviors and student perceptions.”


Marijuana, stay winning.

2. Ta-Nehisi Coates 


In the week of Juneteenth, reparations was a major topic thanks to a House Hearing on Wednesday speaking on the H.R. 40 bill. According to USA Today, the legislation would create a commission to study the generational effects of slavery and the implementation of reparations.

Some politicians are totally against the bill, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who said:

“I don’t think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago for whom none of us living are responsible are a good idea.”

Well the author of the 2014 article “A Case For Reparations,” Ta-Nehisi Coates, had some words for Mitch, and they were epic. He basically broke down how slavery and systematic racism played a part in the stripping of Black wealth, and how it is, in fact, America’s responsibility.

You can check out his powerful spiel above.


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