The Daily Grind Video
San Francisco 49ers v Carolina Panthers

Source: Michael Zagaris / Getty

It’s Super Bowl weekend, and although the Nation’s relationship with the NFL is currently a tumultuous one, some folks are still gonna watch the game TBH.

But besides the games and the halftime show, the commercials are what usually gets football lovers and non-football lover alike to tune in. PETA tried their hand this year at creating an ad that would certainly get folks talking.

However, apparently they pushed the bar too much for the NFL’s liking, and got their commercial banned from being aired during the Super Bowl.

The ad used animation and animals to mimic Colin Kaepernick‘s protest against police brutality by having the animals kneel in solidarity as the Star Spangled Banner tune plays in the background.

We get it. It’s an injustice to harm animals — but we have to admit, it’s a tad bit weird and a little insensitive considering all that Kaep has gone through with his protest.

TMZ reports:

PETA claims its ad agency told them the NFL was pressuring FOX to reject the spot. PETA also claims multiple requests to run the ad in local FOX markets — either before or after the Super Bowl have also gone unanswered. a source close to the league says it’s ultimately up to the network carrying the game, not the NFL, to approve or reject all ads.

Yeah, ok. What are your thoughts on the ad?

2020 has been wild, yall. And it’s still January. 

Global Grind

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