The Daily Grind Video
black woman

Source: JPM / Getty Images

It’s pretty tough being a woman in this world. Even Beyonce told yall, “we’re strong enough to bare the children, then get back to business.” But for some reason, that’s not enough to convince a patriarchal society that our needs matter. So imagine what it’s like to be a Black woman — especially in the workplace. 

Did you know that in 2018, Black women have to work 20 months just to match what a white man makes in 12?! Clearly, many factors contribute to the ridiculous wage gap. According to the National Women’s Law Center, this gap can begin to widen over the course of a black woman’s career, causing her to lose nearly $870,000 in potential earnings to the wage gap.

That’s not all. According to Fast Company: Over a 40-year career, black women make $946,120 less than white men. That loss of potential revenue has ripple effects, too, especially considering the fact that 80% of black women are their families’ primary or sole breadwinner.

It’s not solely about money though, it’s about control. And it’s not just happening in corporate America. It’s happening in Hollywood, too! Gabrielle Union caught lots of flack when she spoke out about how she was fired at America’s Got Talent because her hairstyles were “too Black”. 

We still have so far to go in the country that sometimes it can be discouraging. Check out the gallery below of the many ways Black women are discriminated against in the workplace

The Internet Highlights Discrimination Black Women Face In The Office With #BlackWomenAtWork
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