The Daily Grind Video
Steve Harvey during an appearance on NBC's 'The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.'

Source: Supplied by / WENN

Well, this is hilarious.

Family Feud has been inspiring laughter in American homes since the ’70s and now with comedian-actor-author Steve Harvey as host, the game show continuously outdoes itself. Steve is pretty funny and quick on his feet when reacting to nervous contestants who are doing their best to win. Sometimes their responses to the mostly-PG questions are hilariously unexpected and Steve’s animated faces (exhibit A, above) incite big belly laughs.

In a clip recently re-shared on Twitter, showrunners compiled several videos in which married men give the absolute worst responses — even if they make sense, as Steve puts it, saying these things out loud are the best way “to destroy your marriage on Family Feud.” The clip was originally posted on Facebook back in April, but one Twitter user reignited the conversation when she RT’ed it this week with the caption “Men cannot be this stupid bro.” Tune in below!

ALSO: “Didn’t Know Nothing!” Guess Which Kardashian Was The Worst At Family Feud

Her tweet has garnered over 35,000 retweets and many more “likes” and a ton of comments.

Bruh imagine your man embarrassing you on national television” – @Divionaaa

“N*gga cheated on her on live television” – @noahhitemup

“My girlfriend read a study to me one time that said most men marry for more so security and not for mostly love. I didn’t think she was right till watching this . Each one of these men would be w/ another woman if you gave them a chance” – @naaeee__xx

Oop! Do you think these guys were out of line or were they simply providing the answers they thought would be on the survey? Chime in and let us know!

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