The Daily Grind Video
Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

This week’s episode of Starz‘ “Power Book IV: Force” finds Tommy (Joseph Sikora) and Claudia (Lili Simmons) experiencing success with the rollout of their new drug Dahlia but Tommy not being completely content.

Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

Episode 7 entitled “Outrunning A Ghost” begins with Liliana (Audrey Esparza) and other beautiful women who work with Tommy and Claudia, introducing Dahlia to distributors in nightclubs. The idea seems to be perfect as it gets the word out about the drug while also keeping their names unmentioned. Tommy isn’t satisfied though. He tells Claudia that he wants to expand the drug by making it affordable to more people. Claudia wants to keep the drug exclusive. Tommy explains how if they can change the composition of the drug and cut the price, Dahlia can become the new “it” drug on the streets. The two don’t necessarily come to an agreement but Claudia is eventually forced to go along with Tommy’s plan.

Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

Claudia’s family also has issues of their own that they’re dealing with. Her brother Vic (Shane Harper) is caught off guard when he awakes to find a letter that Gloria left for him explaining that she has to leave for a while. He doesn’t take it well at all and expresses his feelings on the matter to his father. He blames himself for choosing his father and his sense of responsibility over Gloria. Walter (Tommy Flanagan) meanwhile, is worried about other things. He continues to overlook his health and give his energy to other issues. He warns Paulie (Guy Van Swearingen) that the Serbs could be retaliating at any moment and that they should be ready. Paulie reminds him that their organization is not as strong as it used to be and he should consider that. With the Serb situation looming over the Flynn family’s head, Walter decides to have two men trail Claudia for her “protection.” She voices her displeasure with the idea and it’s safe to assume it’s because she knows that he actually wants more intel on her whereabouts and her business.

Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

The other major crime family of Chicago also had an eventful episode. Jenard (Kris D. Lofton) and Diamond (Isaac Keys) are reacquainted with an old friend named Blax (Barton Fitzpatrick). Before they could do much catching up, the three of them are approached with a business proposition by D-Mac (Lucien Cambric) and Marshall (Ahmad Nicholas Ferguson). They want to expand CBI’s business to Gary, Indiana. While Jenard is ecstatic about the opportunity, Diamond is adamantly against it. He explains how there are too many risks and uncertainties. Jenard decides to go through with the move without Diamond’s input and also gives D-Mac another job before he leaves. He tasks him with killing Tommy. Of course, this doesn’t happen as Tommy notices his nephew (who he doesn’t know yet) following him. D-Mac warns him to watch his back and not get caught lacking. Tommy thanks him and lets him leave without harming him.

Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

Tommy apologizes to his brother JP (Anthony Fleming) about how their previous discussion ended. He expresses his concerns about his brother joining him in his line of work. It basically comes down to Tommy not wanting to lose another brother since he states that everyone that gets close to him eventually has something bad happen to them. JP suggests that his brother uses his club to clean his drug money and lets him do the easy tasks that Tommy isn’t too interested in. JP then informs Tommy that their grandmother’s health is worsening. The brothers disagree again when JP says he believes they should call Kate to inform her of her mother’s condition. Tommy doesn’t even entertain the idea and completely shuts it down.

Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

Elsewhere throughout the episode, we see the doctor Lauryn (Chanell Bell) struggling to find the right compound that will allow her to keep the high of Dahlia the same while lowering the costs. Liliana is forced to babysit Lauryn while she works. She also comes to the conclusion that she is being overworked and that her not leaving could cause questions and concerns from her job, co-workers, and loved ones. Tommy allows Lauryn to go on a date that Liliana hilariously plays the third wheel for. While Liliana seems as if she’s only being friendly, she’s also trying to figure out how to make Dahlia herself. In the midst of her own sneakiness, she catches Claudia doing the same thing.

Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

Liliana alerts Tommy that Claudia ordered one of the courier girls to introduce the drug to her brother Vic. At another club, Jenard is also introduced to Dahlia. While he is experiencing the high, things get a little out of control within his crew. D-Mac and Marshall have a fight outside the club and Marshall ends up pulling out a gun on his ex-friend. Marshall tells D-Mac that they’re done and the Gary, Indiana deal is his since it came through his cousin. Jenard, still in awe of the drug the next day, tells Diamond about it and tells him they need to get their hands on it. Like the proposal given to him earlier, Diamond refuses for the same reasons. Jenard questions if Diamond really doesn’t want to expand or if his new boo has his mind on different things.

Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

The episode wraps with Jenard meeting with Cousin Buddy (Freddie Gibbs) for the first time and agreeing to go into business together. Diamond approaches Tommy with Dahlia and asks what he knows about the new drug that has their city in a frenzy. Tommy plays dumb and acts as if he is as oblivious to it as Diamond. After killing the two men who were tasked with watching Claudia, Tommy confronts her about going behind his back. She apologizes and says it won’t happen again. Liliana reminds Tommy that she doesn’t trust Claudia. Tommy agrees but states that they still need her at the moment. Tommy, Claudia and Liliana eventually get a win when Lauryn finally figures out how to change the composition of Dahlia. The drug’s newer version has a compound that is also nearly unreproducible with a high that is just as good.

Power Book IV: Force

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz

This week’s episode definitely set up the last three of the season to be very interesting with a multitude of questions to be answered. How will Tommy and Claudia’s relationship be altered by the growth of Dahlia? Will Diamond let his guard down enough for Adrienne to write a story and eventually send him back to jail? When will D-Mac and Tommy find out what their relationship is? Can Jenard keep the Gary moves away from his brother and what happens if Diamond finds out? Where are the Serbs? Gloria?

Be sure to tune in next week to get these answers and more and let us know what your predictions for next week are in the comments below.



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