DJ Envy is usually trending on social media for the off the wall, random questions he asks during interviews — but on Thursday, the Breakfast Club host made headlines for asking a different type of question via Snapchat DMs. Someone leaked an X-rated conversation they had with Envy on Snap in which the DJ didn’t […]

Trey Songz has never had a problem when it comes to the ladies, but there’s one Hollywood star that he may not have a chance with. On Tuesday, Mr. Steal Your Girl took to Twitter to reveal that he was shooting his shot at the beautiful Halle Berry via Instagram by sliding in her direct […]

Erykah Badu may have to add Mrs. Steal Your Man to her list of nicknames.

Starting in July, Twitter will remove the 140-character limit from their direct messaging service. Die-hard tweeters rejoice, as DMs will be able to reach up to 10,000 characters. That’s more than enough words to properly curve someone, or to find out if your Twitter bae is really “the one” or just another Catfish. On Thursday, the product manager for direct […]

We’ve heard many different rumors and stories about Drake dealing with women he wants to pursue, but this one might be the boldest of them all. Porn star Mia Khalifa, who became the number one most-searched name on PornHub nearly overnight, recently did an interview with CBS Miami, where they asked her if she ever was […]