Netflix's latest mockumentary Death to 2020 is the comedic relief necessary after an utterly crappy year. Instead of reading yet another list of 2020's biggest fails, set your intentions for a more hopeful year in 2021 while watching this hilarious take on an eventful year. 

Every year, folks set New Year’s resolutions that they only follow for about a week or two. We all understand the internal battle of the new you emerging as the old self is trying to cling on. But you’re not alone. The idea of having a new year resolution started way before we were even […]

Spirituality can be great if you’re trying to start the year right. But there’s definitely such a thing as going overboard. Comedian Tyrhee Spivey captures the feeling perfectly in the hilarious clip below. Check it out!

It’s the very last day of 2017 and this is how we’re leaving this mixy year behind. Hit us up on Facebook and Twitter to share your last day of the year mood.

Back in 2016, an Australian New Year’s Eve special had the most uncomfortable countdown you could imagine. Watch the hosts of The Loop try to get their guests excited for 2017 with no success. Ultimately, the funny clip ended up being a skit, but it serves as one example of how to not bring in […]

Around this time last year, the reality set in that Obama would be president no more and we’d be left with Trump. Obama continues to remind us what we’re missing with some uplifting words for the new year. Swipe through to read what he has to say.

Someone’s auntie has taken to social media to collectively drag everyone by their edges regarding the way they’ve been acting in 2017. Before the new year, she’s got a lot to say and although it’s laced with profanity (put your headphones on if you’re at work), she makes very valid points. Check out the video […]

Grant it, people are always giving Millennials crap just for being born during such a pivotal time in history. But when it comes to 2017, Gen Y attacked it like it was a racist troll on Twitter. According to Dallas Police Chief, Renee Hall, Millenials as a whole are a threat to the law enforcement […]

As we wind down the final days of 2017, many are looking forward to what 2018 has to bring. You can either go into the new year with optimism or anticipate struggle. Young M.A. seems to be going into 2018 on a positive note.   While it appears this guy sees a bunch of struggle […]