"Scooby-Doo’s" Velma is representing for the LGBTQ+ community. Read more and see fan reactions to Velma’s new girl crush inside.

Scooby-Doo celebrates 20 years since its release in 2002. Check out a gallery of some of our favorite adult jokes from the original film. 

An animated series entitled OBI, created and inspired by Nigerian-American artist Obi Arisukwu's Instagram cartoons, is amongst the new shows in development at HBO Max.

A voice actress from an incredibly popular American cartoon has reportedly passed away. 

Alas, the Internet giveth and the Internet taketh away. For the Fat Jew, this unfortunately happens to come at the cost of his career. Hit with recent backlash in light of a preliminary Comedy Central contract for a show, the news arrived that the contract was off; namely, comedians are mad that the Fat Jew […]