Netflix announced its "Fansgiving" today, Nov. 23, ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. It is the streaming company's week-long campaign and sweepstakes to thank and give back to the fans who continuously support the platform. Read more for details on how to enter.

The holidays are right around the corner, and people are starting to lean into the giving spirit. Friends are planning their "Friendsgiving" festivities before everyone departs for the holiday season with family. Take a look at a few ideas to properly celebrate Friendsgiving this year.

It's that time of year again to get the family together and eat all you can while reminiscing over things you're grateful for.

Instead of having your usual dinner for the holidays this year, spice it up and introduce a new cuisine to the menu. There are many unconventional ways to celebrate the holidays from the decor we choose, the gifts we share and the meals we prepare. Try something "new" with these meal ideas for your holiday dinner this year. 

Head inside for some pretty special moments from today's hottest celebrities.

Time sure does fly. It is crazy to believe the classic comedic film, Mrs. Doubtfire celebrates 27 years today, Nov. 24. It still manages to bring viewers joy and laughter over the years. Robin Williams stars in the film alongside Mara Wilson from Matilda, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan, Lisa Jakub and Matthew Lawerence.  

  Besides spending time with family and eating all you eat, Thanksgiving clapbacks are the best part of the holiday season.   Hit the flip for some hilarious clapbacks that you can probably use against a trolling relative this year.