The streaming platform announced the move today, September 29.

The greatest debate of 2021 is whether or not people should be vaccinated to protect themselves from one of this decade's most life-threatening viruses. Most recently, a viral tweet had fans of The Office hypothesizing how characters would react to a mandatory vaccination. 

Back to school again! This year most schools across the US are trading in virtual learning for traditional in-person learning. We want students returning to school to remain safe with these five back-to-school safety tips. 

The unfortunate effects of the virus does not stop Twitter from carrying on with their usual inappropriately hilarious swordplay of words. Take a look at this round up of Tweets from the "if you did this, don't worry about what's in the vaccine" trend.

Stocks are rising as announcements of a new Covid-19 vaccine were made Monday (Nov 10) morning. Pfizer and BioNTech announced preliminary results suggesting their vaccine is more than 90 percent effective. This news could be groundbreaking for people across the world. Well, that is if people decide to take the vaccine.

Philanthropist and business maven Bill Gates has donated $5.8 million to HIV vaccine research as part of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The grand donation went to the Scripps Research Institute Group in Jupiter, Florida, who hope to create the first effective HIV/AIDS vaccine. According to Buzzfeed: The key to the new approach is that technically, […]

The debate regarding vaccinating American children is quickly becoming a partisan issue and on Monday, Democrat Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to drop some knowledge on the subject, while simultaneously shading “Anti-Vaxxer” Republicans (ahem NJ Gov. Chris Christie). The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let’s protect all […]

If you’re in the Midwest or the Northeast and slushing through that icy stuff on the ground, thank Punxsutawney Phil the Groundhog for seeing his shadow (HOW SWAY? It’s overcast!) and predicting six more weeks of winter. Great. Read about the Groundhog Day tradition here… [WashPost] A 3-year-old Albuquerque toddler who was looking for an iPad […]

The World Health Organization plans to begin Ebola vaccine testing in the next few weeks. The initial vaccine tests will be available to volunteers in the United States, Mali, and England, with goals to launch vaccine trials in West Africa by January 2015. According to CNN: The goal is to launch vaccine trials in West […]


As the Ebola death toll continues to rise, the World Health Organization met this week to determine whether it is ethical to administer experimental medications and vaccines. The WHO concluded unanimously that the use of the new serum is ethical, even if the effectiveness or adverse effects are unknown. The first two doses of the vaccine were given […]